My blog consists of a plethora of topics which can identify, particularly, with one of the categories you see below. It was with my readers in mind that I created a drop-down, under the Blog tab on the menu, in which they could access earlier posts directly assigned to a specific category.

Launched March 5, 2023

First, I’d like to thank each and every one of you for visiting my site – a place where I cannot be bound by someone else’s rules. I chose the name Unleashed & Unfiltered  to be indicative of just that. My aim is to raise eyebrows, educate, fire up the old blood pressure, warm hearts, set off smiles, lift spirits, and ignite passions, one way or the other, through Rants & Raves, Musings, and  Hallelujahs. I’m sure that sometime after the site’s liftoff and maiden voyage, Unleashed & Unfiltered will evolve to include videos, photos, guest bloggers, and whatever else I learn is available to share with you.

Writing is a passion for me, on many levels. On a personal note, this is a new endeavor and one in which I genuinely feel called to do. Because of that, I entrust all of it into the hands of an Almighty God. By making this personal profession publicly, I am only stating my commitment, accountability, and acknowledgement to my faith. I respect everyone’s right to feel or believe differently while maintaining my right to my opinion and observations.
Be sure to scroll down my HOME page for other stuff I like to share.

It is my sincerest hope that you will subscribe to my Unleashed & Unfiltered blog via email or text by clicking on the Subscribe button in the Menu. You can unsubscribe at any time.

There’s more on this Home Page which will be updated randomly as I come across something worthy, or whenever the Spirit moves me. So if you have a minute, always scroll down to see what might have changed before heading over to the Blog.


It’s all about…


 Close to fifty years ago I rented what was an old house then, in Burbank, California. Like most of the olde houses in that area,  one house was situated in front of the other, sharing a driveway leading to the house in the rear. I had the house in the rear. At the end of the driveway sat a weathered garage made of wood. Two crooked and battered wooden doors protected the cache inside. The landlord had told me that I could keep or throw out whatever was inside to make room for my car.  As soon as I moved, I knew that my first job was to tackle the chaos behind those doors. I didn’t expect the amount of debris that littered the floor and shelves. Time-weathered boxes flanked the walls that appeared to have acted as an inferior barrier in keeping rain water from seeping inside. I decided that I would only deal with clearing an area for my car.
As I sorted through the clutter, I came across a print just like the one above. Remarkably, its overall condition was excellent. At the bottom of the print was the name M.C. Escher. The drawing was entitled “Other World”. I was so intrigued by this piece that I wanted to know more about the artist and his work. Other World  was created, circa 1947, indeed by a very talented Dutch-born M.C. Escher. Escher’s background was also of particular interest to me. At that time, I was working as a graphic artist in L.A. and learned that it was also Escher’s trade. While my framed print was lost in a move years later, the artist’s name and work was never lost in time for me. However, it’s fascinating how one’s perspective on an artistic piece can evolve. In present day, I find Escher’s Other World print to be a befitting paradigm of the many perspectives of the human race. If you’d like to read more on M.C. Escher, click here 

fox, canine, red fox-7808911.jpg

“Symbolism is the language of the mysteries. By symbols, men have ever sought to communicate to each other those thoughts which transcend the limitations of language.” Manly P. Hall


The fox is a symbol of many positive traits and qualities, in many cultures. They can symbolize creativity and passion, or wisdom and guidance. 

On the contrary, in most of the old fables and mythologies, the fox seems to represent a villain – cunning and deceptive. The fact that foxes can represent so many aspects of life, is an example of just how much the fox resonates with us. They have traveled through the ancient world, and the modern world, to become a permanent influence on human psychology and behavior.

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