Editors in Chiefs

I can’t ever remember a time in my life that a set of paws had not inhabited our home and our hearts. The heartbeat of those faithful companions past is the bedrock on which I decided to  devote a page to them. Our furry babies give us so much and in return, they ask for nothing more than our love and companionship.

Based on my “editors” input, the intention is to make this more than a static page so that it will include media and other points of interest to both our canine and feline households.

A dog bonds with us humans to become an integral part of our lives and our families. Recent scientific studies have shown that there is an actual chemical bonding that takes place when a human and a dog interacts. The contact between them releases a chemical called oxytocin in both species. This chemical is a protein that plays a role in social bonding and associated with happiness.

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